Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 5 - Applying the Standards Principle: "Developing Standards in 5 Key Areas"

Hey ChicaGO SEMP team,

Sorry for the late posting of this Week. Blogger has been down the last few days and their was no accessing or posting. With that said:

This week is a continuation of the "Standards Principle". Now we're going to look at 5 key areas of how we can apply this principle to our everyday lives. Can't wait to hear what you have to share with each other.


+ You need to bring the following forms completely filled out and signed where need to our training this Sunday, May 15:

* SEMP Medical Release Form
* SEMP Participant Agreement Form
* Rough Draft of your Personal Testimony

+ Post about Week 5.

+ Have Memorized the assigned Scripture passages: Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 3:23

+ Bring your Postcard with the names of your 4 Lost and/or Spiritually Struggling Friends with their addresses.

+ Bring the 4 Questions Worksheet


  1. It's so valuable and necessary these days that we set standards and that we stick to them. This isn't for our own good but also because the lost around us are looking for something different, real and true. They know what the world is like because they live in it everyday but to see something different . . . to see Christ here on earth today living in us, now that is a standard to live up to.

    I, too, have made mistakes in the past and wish I could take them back but the key is to set our standards now for those areas we struggle with and even those we don't so that we can walk in the light, truth and grace of the Father. I really wish I would have had a devotional like this when I was younger that would challenge me in the world that I was in when i was in high school.

    I hope this week has challenged you and how you're living before your friends. Remember that this isn't just about a trip, it's about a lifestyle centered after Him.

    In His love,


  2. This week some ideas that I haven't really thought about before popped into my head while I was reading able the standards. For example, on day 1 what really hit me was that people change what they will do with a guy or girl based off of if they think they can do something that they haven't done before now but all in all you need to stick to your standards until you get marryed. With day 2 I realized I need to really be only listening to things and watching things that glorify god or in which god would be pleased with me in so I need to motify my Ipod and change it to only have Christian songs on it and no nonchristian songs on it. And then day 4, what stood out to be from that is that your friends need to be able to build you up in hard times, stick with you through the hard times, not get angry with you easily or put you down, and should love you for who you are. The sad thing about this is that I don't really have very many of what I would call true friends. And in fact I have had some really hard times with friendship realationships resently and in the past. So all in all, please just pray that I will find good friends weither they be chirstian or not that will be a true friend to me. Thanks!
    ~Bethany Metzler

  3. I guess I got out of this week that if we don't have standards we will just do what everybody else does and fail to influence our friends. So we need to develop standards that will show our friends that we are serious about our relationship with our Savior.

  4. something that really stuck out to me tis week is in day 2 if you dont have standards in our entertainment we'll eventually find ourselvs being entertained by sin, and does this glorify sin I've never really thought of it that way but now I find myself looking at things and asking what does that glorify?
    Dana Keller

  5. This week was really important to me because I lived a portion of my life without standards and I see the effects it can have on a person's life. It is not always easy to follow your standards, but from personal experience I can say that my friends definitely noticed when I set standards of my own. If we do not set standards, how can we allow God to work through us to guide our unbelieving friends? That was the question that played through my mind this week.
    Holly Prawat

  6. When doing the MAXQ this week at first I thought well this doesn't really apply to me right now. I don't drink, have sex, or go to crazy parties. But I realized that I still need to set those standards because I might one day be pressured to do something like that I need to set my standards now so I'm ready when the time comes. The entertainment one did apply to me. I never really think about what I listen to or watch. I never think that it may actually hurt me, but I know I have to set standards for that part of my life. It's going to be hard to stop something I have been doing for a long time, but I know that I can because God will be there with me.
    Lindsey Allen

  7. This week I really got out that I NEED to have standards and if I don't then I'm really no differernt then all the other chrisitans who don't do anything to influence. I want to have standards so I can influence all my friends and go a lot farther in my realationship with God.
    Kaylin Pearson :)

  8. Something that I realized that I really need to work on this week is watching what I listen to and watch on tv. Too many times I think I'll will never to that stuff they do on tv, which might be true but it is still taking my mind away from God and it doesn't glorify God! This week I was also reminded to set my standards high and really stick by them so when temptation comes I'll be ready to face it!
    Jaylin miller

  9. This week has really opened my eyes to how desensitized I am to sin. I have never really thought about standards much, I thought I knew what’s right and what’s wrong. But after going through Max Q this week my rights and wrongs are completely different. I now think about what’s right in God’s eyes not what’s right in society. That has been my biggest flaw up until now. I thought that if it wasn’t bad in the world then it was “okay” for me to do. I realize now that anyone can be a good kid if they obey their parents and the law, but there are lots of those kids in the world. In order to be set apart we need to obey God. To most people at our age watching a rated R movie is no big deal, but it really is if it’s not glorifying God. I have really assessed my standards this week, I can’t exactly say I’ve ever really need them but I know in the future I will; therefore, I need to set them high and Max Q has helped me do so.

  10. As i was reading the scriptures i noticed that it never mentions divorce in scripture and i think that is because whoever you marry is who God wants you to be with until the day you die (until death do us part). Also on day one it mentions that you should never be in a situation where you are alone with someone of the opposite sex...or as my mom says a "compromising situation". Well i have been in that position and let me tell you that temptation is always out there, just dont let it get the best of you. (also words from my mother)
    -Tanner white

  11. First of all, reread the statement on the top of page 96...By setting high standards in the area of dating and sex, you PROTECT yourself! You PROTECT your testimony. This is so true! Here are my thoughts on the drinking issue. My standard for drinking has always been...don't do it. It helps that I can't stand the taste of alcohol :) I just feel like it is something I do not need and I don't like it and it causes problems - so stay away. Even if you don't abuse alcohol by getting drunk - there is always the threat of allowing something else control you other than Jesus Christ - and that is not good. Again...just because something might be good, doesn't mean it's good FOR you. Another statement to reread is on page 106...If you're unwilling to develop standards, then you're not mature enough to have relationshops with people who are lost. Come on teenagers...we didn't say this was going to be easy! Are you up to this challenge?!

  12. I agree with Jaylin! I never really thought that the music I listened to could impact me at all. Just today, I was listening to a song that wasn't pleasing to God and He softly reminded me what I read this week about entertainment and how it can impact me and I stopped listening to that song.
    Jessica Tuttle

  13. when i came to this week and saw all the standards that i should have in my life it set me back and made me think am i really setting an exsample for my friends? yes i do have some standard in my life but i just starting putting them into effect this year when God changed my life for the better but i still need to have more. im deeply in love with music and have never really thought about what the music really means. i pay more attention the the instrumentl part of the songs than i do to the words and the meanings of the songs. i need to change this and its going to be hard for me because music is such a big part of my life.
    shayna gravy

  14. this week helped me yet again figure out wat i need to do in my life setting standards and keeping to them and finding out wat i do that doesnt plz God and finding wat i need to work on
    kylee stutzman

  15. I think the big thing for me this week came out of the day on friendships. I think we often read verses like that and think to ourselves that we need to make sure we're hanging out with the right people. We think about who we're hanging out with and how we hope they'll be good influences on our lives. And in the end all we ever think about is how we can make sure we're safe and protected from becoming "one of those people". It can all become a little self-centered.

    After all, how often do we think about it the other way around? How often do we ever think about being that good friend for someone else? How often do we think about trying to be wise ourselves so it will rub off on someone else? This world is full of people dying for someone to take an interest in their life and show them love.

    The verse that keeps coming back in the midst of all of this is 1 Timothy 4.12 where it says to "set an example..." If I want to my friends to meet a certain standard, then I better start by setting the example and being the kind of friend to others that I want them to be for me.

  16. This week max q has been causing me to really think just what my standards are. My philosophy has always been just to stay clear of anything impure, and I have never really sat down and think of where I will draw the line specifically. Like for instance, What will I accept as "ok" words in songs, or what will I allow in movies/TV shows and still be acceptable, and many other things as well.

    Marcus Poland

  17. Day 2 it talks about entertainment. i try to watch and listen to things that are clean and not glorifying sin. i dont watch too much tv or movies so thats not really a problem. and the most of the music i listen to is christian music (although my mom considers some of it to be "satan music" lol). its definitly a struggle for me sometimes though. i like to laugh and a lot of the movies that make me laugh might be glorifying sin. i just need to find a healthier substitute

  18. As Christians we need to set our standards high and dont put yourself in sketchy situations.And hopefully every teen and non married person can say honestly and happily they have not had sex.
    Matthew Prochno

  19. The number one standard? Don't get yourself into a position that makes you need to use your standards. Don't go to a party you know could be bad ect. I found this verse after misreading the reference in Max Q,
    "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you betempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

  20. Well i definately found a struggle in Max Q this week. Day 1&2 hit me hard but especially number 2. Music has always been such a big impact on my since i was in 3rd grade and was already introduced to trashy rap music because of dance. 8 years later i have realized the stuff im listening to now is only pulling me down. I may say and think that im just listening because it sounds cool but you take in stuff that you don't realize...Its time to be careful of what i let go through my ears and what i see on TV!
    Danielle Hudson

  21. Weeks 4-5 taught me that God loves freedom but He expects us not to abuse it and use it to glorify sounds kinda boring at first but once u start to live in the light it feels very natural like God intended it to be from the start.

  22. I really liked this week a lot! it made me think about what standards that i need to set for myself. i realized that you have to set standards for yourself to influence others in a positive way. The dating and sex lesson was the one that really hit me hard, it made me think and realize that i need to set boundaries with my boyfriend now so that we don't even kinda get close to crossing or even touching the line.
    taylor hiester

  23. 1 peter 4:7-11
    spencer dahlgren

  24. everything i do should glorify God.
    carlie salinas

  25. Keep your mouth clean and your heart will be also. Keep your heart clean and your mouth will follow. Matt. 15:18-19
    There should be no obscene comments, foolish talk or course joking coming from your mouth. Ephesians 5:3-12
    This week i was really challenged in this area. These two verses hit me hard as i was going through some issues of hypocrisy in myself and my "Christian" friends. I was surprised at how the Bible actually relates to what i go through in life. And it helped me to be able to talk to a mentor of mine about these things that have been weighing heavily on my heart.
    -Haley Miller

  26. This week I realized how many standards I had already made for myself from last year's journey in Max Q. It was also a time for me to reflect on which ones I am upholding very strongly, and which ones needed to be built up stronger. Also, God showed me some areas in my life that were in need of some standards that I had previously thought before were fine.

    Justin Krakowski

  27. In this week It really hit me hard, because some of the choices in music and movies arent probably the greatest, so I really need to set standards for my live and I will be playing about it. -bobby krakowski

  28. "if you are unwilling to develop standards, then you're not mature enough to have relationships with people who are lost."
    i have a few blank pages in max q for journaling where i need to set some standards but really believe i will follow them. until i do that i wont be actually truly capable of having a mature and true relationship with people who are struggling or lost.
    bailey dahlgren

  29. I appreciated how there were verses for each of the categories and I could look up and see exactly what God says about these things. I also liked how the author explained that stadards in our lives are not about confining us, but keeping us free.

    Emily Myers

  30. Proverbs 18:24-
    "A man of many companions may come to ruins, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"
    this verse is a verse taht has really been stinking with me for a long time. i have been struggling with friends and trust but this verse always reminds me that i do have true friends that will stick with me no matter what the situation. Something that also stuck out to me is the people i hang out with. i need to learn to set my boundries with those people and not let their actions influence me and what i do.
    -Sara Ivin

  31. This entire week caused my to look at my life and question if my standards are pleasing enough to God.
    I liked having the multiple verses to back up different subcategories in each of the five key areas.
    Day four with friendship was probably the most eye opening to me. I need to set my boundaries on the relationships I have with friends who aren't Christians.
    ~Emily Hoffman

  32. Week four and five both covered standards and this week on day one stood out to me when agian when it was saying that the standards werent meant to confine you but keep your freedom. It just stood out that as you get older you will look back at all of the things you have done. If you set high standards to protect yourself you are protecting your testimony. Which is a big thing to protect. It just helps to set better boundries for myself in my life that I'v never thought about before.
    -Logan Gomez

  33. I was really challenged this week to evaluate my standards when it comes to entertainment. It is easy to watch some things and listen to some things and think," Well its got a good story line so I'll just overlook those few bad scenes or language that is there." But is this really the right thing to do? I would have to say NO! I like the Questions on page 98 to help me make a smart decision. Does this CD or song glorify sin in its lyrics? If my answer is yes then I do not want to fill my mind with it. Does this movie or TV show use sin to entertain me? Again if the answer is yes then I do not want to be putting those thoughts into my head. I'm going to use these simple questions as guide lines for me in making a decision on how I am going to make an entertainment choice.

  34. Are we being the salt of the earth? Have we lost our saltiness?

  35. Um I agree with emily and like i should set my boundaries with my non christian friends


  36. I liked 1st peter 4-7: be clear minded and self controlled so that you CAN pray.
    ~Austin Conrad

  37. Well I know that when I was in high school that I had standards set very highly because I did not want to be apart of the sinful earthly lifestyles, but there were plenty of people in my grade who did not do this at all. I can honestly and truthfully say that I have not broken my standards going on 3 years after I graduated too... Standards are something that we need to have and make sure that they are always in the front of our mind.

  38. Anonymous said...
    The number one standard? Don't get yourself into a position that makes you need to use your standards. Don't go to a party you know could be bad ect. I found this verse after misreading the reference in Max Q,
    "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you betempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
    May 14, 2011 8:48 PM

    This was Kelly!!! :)

  39. What stuck out to me most that week was day one about entertainment and that I need to make sure what I listen to or watch is not anything sinful. I try to listen to good music

  40. That last comment was Daniel Clickovich
